The Benevolent Fund is a monetary reserve kept in order for individuals in or out of a non-profit organization, such as a church, to donate money in order for the Minister, to their discretion, to provide struggling individuals of the congregation or outside of the church community with some financial assistance. Usually, a Benevolence Fund is applied to situations where individuals are victim to unexpected or high medical expenses, natural disasters, the unemployed, the underemployed, and other similar circumstances. The financial gift is usually presented to selected individuals at a Communion Sunday service or when special occasions or services arise. Donations to the Benevolent Fund can be made through the church with our personal envelopes which can be found in the pews of the sanctuary or in our office. If you are interested in making a donation to the Benevolent Fund or have further questions or are interested in additional information please email our Ministry Reverend Diane Bennett-Jones at
“God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7),