Sunday School

13310548_10154112037040600_6136514169675741526_nWexford Heights United Church offers Sunday School for children ages 4 to 13 years old.  With Colleen Eriksen as the Sunday School teacher and a member of the congregation, your children are in safe and capable hands.  For further personal information about Colleen and her other qualifications, check out our Staff page located under the Worship Menu link above.

Our Sunday School class has become a community and family where friendships have been built between each child and with God.  We look at the Bible and its many stories and teachings about and from God and Jesus.  From these teachings, lessons are planned in order for students to understand the stories in a way that is relatable to them and their lives in the 21st century.  Lessons may include finding and reading passages from the Bible, watching Youtube videos based on the specific story for that week, or through a read-aloud story time.   In addition, we use a lot of hands-on learning opportunities through Object lessons and games such as Bible Jeopardy and Plinko.  Our time together is split into two lessons.  The first lesson is for the Kindergarten aged children (ages 4 -6), where we have a story time and talk about the lesson or main idea of the story and how it is related to God or Jesus’ love for us.  The second lesson is for children in Grade 1 and beyond where we take a closer look at a Bible story and discuss its importance and connection to their lives.   Almost every lesson is concluded with a take home activity/craft which all of the children truly enjoy participating in!img_0391

Our Sunday School is on Youtube!  Each week, Colleen posts a video about what happened the week before and what the kids should expect to happen the next week.  She also uses this social media site to share videos that she has used in class for the children to watch again on their own time or if they were away, videos of pieces of music she would like the children to listen to on their own time such as secular music but with spiritual meaning, and videos of common hymns heard in church.  Click on the link below and take a walk through our journey together:

November 20th, 2016

We will be concluding our two and half month study of the some of the more popular families or close relationships in the Bible.  We first started looking at this topic by discussing what a family looks like and what characteristics or traits make up a family.  We connected these points to every story we looked at.  Some of the families that were touched upon included Adam and Eve, Noah and his family, Mary and Elizabeth, Jacob and Esau, Jacob and Joseph, and many more.  Below is a picture of our Family Tree of God that we documented our journey of family studies on.  The main purpose of this study was to show the children that no family is “perfect,” even in the Bible they had problems but with the guidance from God the families were able to overcome their trials at some point in time and in one way or another.


November 27th, 2016

First week of Advent!