The now WEXFORD HEIGHTS UNITED CHURCH has gone through a number of emergencies. From the plot of land developed in 1842 which started as Primitive Methodists and gathered in a log chapel called Twaddles Chapel, continued on to become a brick building named Parsonage Church in 1877, Zion Presbyterian in 1889 and thirty-six years later in 1925 joining the newly created United Church of Canada, Wexford Heights was born. It was named for the next 75 years Zion-Wexford United Church. In 2000 amalgamation started with Wilmar Heights United Church and after all deliberation was done we became “United”. In 2002, the new congregation voted for the name Wexford Heights United Church. In our Home Page you can see clearly the “old” church as we call it and the idea of restoring it to its original glory is always on everybody’s mind. The bigger building facing Ellington Drive was added in two sections. The attached building to the old church happened in 1955 when numbers were clearly exceeding the seating in the “old” church. The numbers of congregation members were soaring to the upper 900’s, and two services were created. The Sunday School even had to overflow for a time to a factory building that used to be adjacent to the church. The final section was added in 1961 with a chime tower installed. Numbers over the years have decreased but the congregation who still fill that church every week carry on as all their predecessors before them. Our own Mary Cook, whose family were part of the founding fathers and mothers of Wexford Heights has written an amazing book entitled “Rambling About Wexford” and who gave permission for the information to be printed above. Mary still has a few copies available for purchase so using the information on the homepage by calling the church phone number, Mary can be put in touch with anyone interested.